College Credit Programs

College credit courses may be available to selected 12th grade students in cooperation with area colleges and universities that have existing articulated agreements with the East Granby Public Schools. East Granby Public Schools will accept a maximum of 4 college courses for high school elective credits. Conversion of college course credit will be per State Statute. Students may be eligible for this privilege during their sophomore, junior, or senior year, with prior approval of administration and a minimum GPA of 3.0.

University of Hartford offers a program designed to provide outstanding high school students with the opportunity to enroll in one college course per semester on a tuition-free basis. The program is quite selective and open only to students who meet the following prerequisites:

  • Qualified high school Seniors who have exhausted the college preparatory courses in their high schools or who are otherwise ready to attempt more advanced work in introductory undergraduate courses
  • Students must maintain grades of "A" and "B" consistently in their academic courses
  • Students must be in the top 15% of their class and have achieved a minimum score of 500 on both the verbal and math components of the SAT or PSAT.

~ Below are the forms for UHart's College Now Fall 2020 Program:



The Saint Joseph University Challenge Program is designed for upper-level men and women to expand and enrich their academic program with a collegiate experience while still attending high school. Students selected receive tuition-free scholarships enabling them to take one course for college credit. Evidence of above-average performance in a college preparatory program and a recommendation of a guidance counselor are required for acceptance into this program.

  • Fee: $25 - registration fee
  • Student assumes cost of books, laboratory fees and transportation
  • Limit one semester course tuition-free
  • Enrollment is subject to openings available after regular registration
  • Students accepted on space available basis
  • Unless otherwise noted, classes meet three hours a week

This program provides the opportunity for a junior or senior to experience college while still in high school. Tuition and fees are paid by the college. Admission guidelines are as follows:

- Juniors and seniors with a minimum G.P.A. or scholastic average of B- (2.7)

- Recommendation of high school counselor and Partnership coordinator

- Eligible students may take up to one (1) college course each semester

- Participation in college courses is on a space available basis

+College Career Pathways
An agreement between Asnuntuck Community College and area high schools allows high school students to earn college credits. This program of studies enables students to meet the requirements for a Technical Preparation Associate Degree. This program also prepares students for direct entry into the workplace as technically skilled employees. Courses meeting requirements for College Career Pathways are designated with a + throughout this guide.

+Manufacturing Technologies: Asnuntuck Community College
The College Connections Program offers the unique opportunity for high school junior and senior students to gain both high school and college credit and to establish career technology skills with an appreciation for continuous learning and improvement in welding, electronics and machine technology. All coursework completed successfully will result in high school and college credit and skill sets that enable participants after graduation to continue at Asnuntuck Community College in Manufacturing certificate or degree programs and/or transition to career employment in the private sector.

UConn Early College Experience (ECE) is a concurrent enrollment program that allows motivated high school students to take UConn courses at their high school for both high school and college credit. Every course taken through UConn ECE is equivalent to the same course at the University of Connecticut. Students benefit by taking college courses in a setting that is both familiar and conducive to learning.

If you are interested in any of the above programs, or would like more information, please see your school counselor for details.

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